miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

My childhood

My name is Denisse l was born in Tuxpam, veracruz on january 10 ,1987. when l was four years old my family moved to salinas cruz , my father worked there, he's a diver.

My favorite childhood memory was when my mother gave me a surprise party at the kinder garten, l used to go. it's was great, celebrated my birthdays with piñatas fascinated me. My best gift was a toy car.

l used to play with my counsins , we had a tree house and l like to collect polly pocker.

l enjoy to participate in festival the elementary school so l also was cheerleader, by the way we won first place when we went to a competition in Poza Rica, Ver. l was a kid surrounded by love and attention.

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